Latest Past Events

Workshop, Film Screening and Artists’ Lecture in Prague

Academy of Fine Arts, Prague Prague

We have been invited to organize a workshop and/or ritual performance to create community for and with art students during our visit at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. The workshop will focus on ecosexal art, performance, activism and interdisciplinary practices. We will also offer a presentation for the public. More information coming soon.

Park as Lover: Ecosex Walking Ritual, Solstice in Düsseldorf, Germany

Lantz’sch Park Dusseldorf

We will be performing in, The Park as Lover, throughout the Lantz’sch Park in Düsseldorf, Germany. There we will explore and honor the park by walking in and around it, eventually we will come to a sacred grove, where we will hold a participatory commitment ritual for the park, the trees, and for peace on […]

Opening of Splash! Eco and Hydrosexuals Unite! at Gallery lokal 30, Warsaw, Poland

Gallery lokal 30 Warsaw

Ecosexual Artists: Annie Sprinkle, Beth Stephens; cyber_nymphs: Justyna Górowska, Ewelina Jarosz Some of the Earth Loving seeds we’ve planted are coming to fruition. This June we are having a two-collaboration art show, Splash: eco + hydrosexuals unite!! with our friends, Evelyna Jaroz and Justyna Górowksa at lokal 30. Curated by Director Agnieszka Rayzacher. We began […]