We invite collaboration and engagement in a wide variety of ways.
Educators, we can bring our films, performances and lectures to your classes, or propose a collaborative project. Students, we can offer great opportunities for internships, art experiences and networking. Scientists and academics, we can create win-win collaborations for all of us and the Earth. Environmentalists, lets brainstorm. Makers we need you! Non-artists are more than welcome to join in the E.A.R.T.H. Lab SF. Our speciality is working in collaboration with all kinds of people, because we love and practice "radical inclusion."
Funders and Contributors--We want to thank the people, institutions and companies who have supported the EARTH Lab SF, especially Palimpsest Fund, The SF Arts Reopening Fund, Jeff Rose, Hoshi Hana, Joseph Kramer, Grants for the Arts (GFTA), California Arts Council, and the San Francisco Arts Commission.
Please contact Beth Stephens (Director) info@earthlabsf.org for more information regarding how you can engage in our project as a financial collaborator, an in-kind supporter, or in other ways to best help support the Center's work. Let's collaborate!